Alternate Resolutions All Alternative Dispute Resolution methods

Alternative dispute resolution (ADR)

There are different ways of settling disputes out of court:

The aim is to resolve disputes with procedures that are more flexible, faster and less costly than court proceedings.


What is mediation?

Mediation is one of the methods of amicable dispute resolution.

Mediation is a confidential, structured, voluntary and cooperative process for the prevention and amicable resolution of disputes, based on the responsibility and autonomy of the participants.


What is a mediator?

Mediation involves a trained mediator, an independent, neutral and impartial third party. The mediator is a communication facilitator who encourages dialogue and relationships, notably through confidential meetings and discussions.

The mediator is neither a judge, nor an arbitrator, nor a party to the dispute. He or she intervenes solely to facilitate negotiation between the parties involved.


What are the advantages of mediation?

Mediation saves time and money compared to a trial, which can involve cumbersome, uneconomical procedures with an uncertain outcome.

When you are in mediation, it is you who decides on your agreement. Mediation gives the parties a great deal of freedom.

Mediation helps preserve relations between the parties, which can be essential in certain relationships (commercial or family, for example).
