Alternate Resolutions Frequently asked questions

What does the Discovery offer include?

The Discovery Offer lets you take advantage of all the different functionalities of our platform for one low price. If you are convinced by our offers and wish to access all the features, you can subscribe to the Premium package.

The Discovery offer, like the Premium offer, is intended for individuals. Legal entities can subscribe to the offer, but it has been designed for the needs of a single user.
Legal entities with several users (e.g. associations, companies with employees) can benefit from a specific offer, enabling them to have an administrator account and user accounts. To find out more, contact us!

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Your data is securely and reliably hosted:

  • Our servers are hosted by Scaleway in a datacenter in Paris.
  • The datacenter meets ISO 27001 (information systems security), ISO 50001 (energy management) and HDS (health data hosting) certifications.
  • Our servers are secured and do not allow any external access, except by SSH key.
  • Data and file backups are daily and redundant; they are sent to two external servers.
  • All exchanges to and from the servers are encrypted with SSL certificates, enabling a level of security similar to that of banking transactions.
  • Our servers are subject to automated remote monitoring and feature real-time alert systems.

Mediators, conciliators, arbitrators, lawyers, legal professionals, HR managers, chartered accountants, notaries, legal departments, associations, legal entities, companies…

Our videoconferencing service is unlimited!
It is intended exclusively for your professional activities.

For Premium members, you will soon be able to purchase additional signatures.
The possibility of purchasing an additional signature is not available for the Discovery offer.

We are already working on a new version that will offer you new functionalities, including the ability to put applicants in touch with Mard professionals.

Lueur et Semeur

All rights reserved

Lueur et Semeur have published the first album of their adventures as mediators.

This is the first children's story about mediation.

It explains to children how to talk to each other to find a solution.

Very useful, especially when we disagree!